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Welcome to Tales Social!

Join us in a supportive community of storytellers and listeners.  Pour yourself a cup of your favourite drink, relax in a cozy armchair, and tell us your story or find someone else telling theirs. Our AI-assisted platform recreates the forgotten art of storytelling, by using cutting edge technologies to deliver the most friendly, trustful, and fun environment. 


Tell it like you'd tell a friend

Stories are written in real-time in a format of threads. As a storyteller, you don't have to think much, it's not like writing a book, but more like telling a story to a close friend in a kitchen while cooking a dinner together. Just start with "guess what happened?" or "I remember last year", and let the rest of the story flow. You can publish it part by part and get immediate reaction or questions from your audience, or publish it when it is complete, or you can even leave it incomplete on a cliff-hanger, letting your audience craving to know what happened next and come back next day to hear the rest. You are in complete control. 


Get help from AI

Don't think of yourself as a writer? No worries, your personal AI assistant will be helping you all along by watching for typos and mistakes in your grammar, suggesting better language for your stories, asking relevant questions to help you move along while entertaining you, so you don't get bored. If typing is not your thing, you are able to narrate your story by voice and let your AI assistant to convert it to text.  Think of your AI assistant as a close friend who is always with you and you can even give them a name of your choice. You will never feel alone on Tales Social!


Control your identity

You decide how much of your own identity you want to reveal. Tales Social uses technology called Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) in order to identify you on the platform. Think of it like a digital passport or an account that only you control, rather than one that's issued to you by the government or by a corporation like Google. With a DID, you can prove who you are online without having to give your personal information. You still may choose to create a profile with your actual name attached to DID, but if you prefer to become world famous, while maintaining your anonymity like Banksy, that is entirely up to you!


You stories will always stay with you

Unlike X (Twitter), Facebook or Google, who just may decide to shut down your account with you losing all your data, Tales Social is built on a federated social networking protocol, which allows hosting your data on servers ran independently from large corporations. You may even decide to host your own data server, and will will teach you how, while making sure that your stories still reach their intended audience. And in the future, if you don't like Tales Social, you can always take your stories somewhere else, like competing platform that runs on the same protocol. You will always be in full control of how to use what you create and where to host it. 


Your copyright is protected

Don't be afraid that your stories will be stolen and used by someone else without your permission. Your copyright can be protected by creating a certificate of ownership as an NFT on a public blockchain. Only you will have permission to transfer rights to your work or license it to someone else. Tales Social will be promoting best stories, so they can catch attention of writers and scenarists and can be used in movies, books, plays or TV shows. Imagine that happening to your story? We'll be delighted to see that and help you in every step of the way to get compensation and royalties for your work. 


Read only what is relevant to you

Every story published on Tales Social is processed by AI which understands its meaning, key elements of a plot, characters and their traits and builds a sophisticated library of stories that can be searched and retrieved across variety of contexts and use cases. Think of it as a bank of human experiences, and while AI is learning from humans, it will become more human as well. And as a reader and listener, you'd have stories delivered to you from custom feeds that you configure according to your preferences. This differentiates Tales Social from social networks like X (Twitter) and Facebook, that decide for you what you should see and read.  


Find friends all over the world

Reading news is toxic, because they are sensationalizing negativity, so it is better to read stories of people around the world describing their first hand experiences and connect on a human-to-human level. Tales Social is built for the international community from the get go. If your goal is to reach as many people as possible with your stories, your AI assistant, will be translating your writing into languages of your choice, and you'll be able to find someone from the community of native speakers on our platform to verify if the translation was accurate. Connect with like-minded people all over the world! 

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